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We Love What We Do


Our Inspiration

The real fruit of the Truthseekers movement lies in the lives of people who are being set free by the Truth.  As we have lived in and loved India, we have seen Jesus do the most amazing things: save lives, transform villages, restore dignity and break caste barriers that have been in place for centuries.  These stories reflect the depth and power of God’s work through Truthseekers in India.

We are working to collect a database of the stories of the movement, documenting the influence that God has had in transforming lives.  Truthseekers has many dimensions, but the one constant is God’s presence.

More than 80 % of India lives in this slavery, and we are compelled to tell their story. Walk with us through a journey of the life changing, Life giving impact of the Good News in India….truly setting captives free.
  • Snapshots from India
    From Deshpande Deshpande is a partner in the Gospel in New Delhi. He started a school in a slum in Delhi and has managed it for over a decade. The school is for Banjaras. Banjaras are a nomadic tribe in India very similar to the Roma or Gypsies of Europe. They are seen as thieves and pickpockets and aren’t trusted by their neighbors. Those who earn money through… Read more: Snapshots from India
  • A Recent TSI Bible Distribution
    Below are pictures from the Bible distribution that Truthseekers recently had in a small village, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Not too long ago, Sunil met a young man in Delhi who expressed interest in what Sunil had to say during a meeting. After some time, this young man decided he wanted to follow Christ. Eventually, this man went back to his village and told them what… Read more: A Recent TSI Bible Distribution
  • Shepherds
    Truthseekers will distribute 10,000 bibles to tell the story of the Good Shepherd to the Shepherds’ caste of Uttar Pradesh, India. It all began sixteen years ago, when Shiv Kumar Pal, a member of the shepherds’ caste who held Master’s degree in mathematics, came to Truthseekers in Delhi to serve as the accountant and office manager. He was not a follower of Christ at that time. Sunil quoted… Read more: Shepherds
  • Education Inequalities
    One of the main reasons why those from low caste (or those that are outcastes) are often unable to get out of poverty, is because they have largely remained poorly educated. The reason for this is that their schools are so bad that true learning does not occur.
  • Young Untouchable Man Murdered at a Wedding
    There are two types of caste divisions that occur. One is between high caste and low caste, which is illustrated by the story on Farmer Suicides. The other is between the thousands of low castes themselves, which is illustrated by this story.
  • Becoming a Truthseeker
    For many Indians, especially those from low caste or Untouchable backgrounds, the prospect of being able to pursue their dreams without being discriminated, is remote. So when people hear the gospel message that TSI contextualizes for them, their interest is piqued.
  • Farmer Suicides
    In India, there are certain states where suicides by farmers are very common. Estimates vary, but most likely at least 5,000 farmers commit suicide every year. They do this because, despite their exceedingly hard work, oftentimes working seven days a week, they go further and further into debt each year and see no way out.
  • Surekha the Untouchable Woman
    (As told by Arundhati Roy in The Doctor and the Saint) Warning: this is a graphic story. Even though Untouchability has supposedly been outlawed by the Indian Constitution, the fact is that it is still alive and well. In her book, The Doctor and the Saint, Arundhati Roy tells a story about what happened to an Untouchable woman in 2009, that is unfortunately, not uncommon.
  • The Shopkeeper’s Church
    A reflection by Tristen Mejias-Thompson. When I first decided to come intern for Truthseekers, I really had no idea what I was doing. I knew I would be working in India, and that it was Christian…I knew I would be writing stories for them, though I didn’t exactly know what it would entail. I knew Sunil was influential, but I didn’t really understand the pervasiveness of caste, nor… Read more: The Shopkeeper’s Church
  • Vijay’s Testimony
    When Vijay came to Truthseekers, I was told that I should talk to him, collect his story. He didn’t speak English but he was always very friendly, occasionally bringing me chai or water. Dressed in a button-up and dress pants, he was very unassuming. Laughter lines framed his eyes, and he sported a very neat haircut. A fairly short, kind man is what I saw when I looked… Read more: Vijay’s Testimony
  • A Plain Village Woman
    A plain village woman sat squatting on the street, staring into space, looking much older than her years. Although Sunil was an ‘evangelist’ by profession, he was in the village for some work unrelated to preaching the Gospel. He saw this woman from a distance, and she intrigued him. She reminded him of his grandmother who held fond memories for him, so he approached her. “What is your… Read more: A Plain Village Woman
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