
Donate for a good reason

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[alert type=”success” close=”false”]Truthseekers has received a very generous offer from a supporter, to have gifts that come from local churches matched, up to a total of $10,000 annually. If you think your church would be interested in partnering with Truthseekers and their innovative approach to spreading the gospel, please let us know. We desire additional prayer and financial support from local churches. If you have any questions, feel free to either email ( or call (425-344-8633). [/alert]

What we believe about giving is:
We encourage giving as an act of worship

It focuses our hearts on our true treasure which is Christ. (Matthew 6:21)
It is an acknowledgement that God is the owner of everything.
It turns our focus from the idolatry of money to serving God. (Luke 16:11-13)
It is an expression of our love for God and our devotion to Him.
It is born out of our free response to all He has done for us, not out of guilt or duty.

happy volunteer
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Donate For a Cause

Our mission is leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Please join our church repair plan.
We appreciate your generosity and your cooperation in supporting our church to spread its community ans service opportunities.

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One-Time Donation

No registration or account needed.
Donate with Visa, MasterCard or Discover

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Donate Monthly

Our mission is leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Please join our church repair plan.
We appreciate your generosity and your cooperation in supporting our church.
Your contribution helps us spread the Good News across our community.

[pricing-tables title=”FIRST PLAN” price=”$20″ link_text=”DONATE” link_url=”#” row1=”Nisl tempus convallis” row2=”Fulla porttitor accum” row3=”Vestibulum ante ipsum”]
[pricing-tables title=”SECOND PLAN” price=”$50″ link_text=”DONATE” link_url=”#” row1=”Nisl tempus quis acer” row2=”Fulla porttitor tincidunt” row3=”Ante ipsum primis in orci.”]
[pricing-tables title=”THIRD PLAN” price=”$100″ link_text=”DONATE” link_url=”#” featured=”w-featured” row1=”Nisl tempus convallis” row2=”Fulla porttitor ipsum” row3=”Vestibulum ante lorem”]
[pricing-tables title=”FOURTH PLAN” price=”$250″ link_text=”DONATE” link_url=”#” row1=”Tempus convallis quis” row2=”Porttitor accumsan tincid” row3=”Dipsum primis in faucibus”]
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Buy From Our Shop

Our mission is leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Please join our church repair plan.
We appreciate your generosity and your cooperation in supporting our church.
Your contribution helps us spread the Good News across our community.

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